Thursday, September 27, 2012

Free Falling

1. I picked this video because the skydiver sets a record hight for skydiving and it shows the relationship between speed, distance, and time.
2. It's better than other videos because it tells the hight and speed throughout the video, and shows an illustration of the jump at the end.
3. If I made a video, I would drop various objects from different heights and record the times and what affected the different drops. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Spaghetti Tower Attempt #2

< Our new plans
Supports: 26cm
Legs: 22.5cm
Base: 13cm
Triangle legs: 13cm
Diagonals on bottom: 18cm
Rectangular Prism
Sides: 22.5 cm
Diagonals: 26cm
Base: 13cm
Diagonals on bottom: 18cm
Base: 13cm
Legs: 26cm
Height: 22.5 (not represented on tower)
Top Stick
Stick: 26cm
Total Theoretical Height: 97cm
Taking the "leaning" factor into account (the tower is leaning somewhat in the picture), the tower was about 87cm. 
The Process...
 < Measuring
  < Base

< Base + Supports
 < Building the tower
 < Finally, 80cm!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Self Evaluation

1. In the beginning, building a tower out of spaghetti seemed simple and easy, but as time progressed I realized how difficult it was.  After the tower crumbled multiple times, I felt frustrated and wanted to give up.  In the end, I found out the challenges of building a tall structure with such a fragile, thin, material.

2. Our design seemed to stand out because the base was the largest in the room at 75 x 75.  Also, others seemed to have no problems with their design unlike us. 

3. If I could add another material, it would be super glue.  With super glue there would be no problem with structures falling apart because of the marshmallows melting. 

4. My contributions to the group included buying and trading supplies as well as the construction of the tower.  Since I was in a two person group, we basically split up all of the jobs and helped each other out.

Group Evaluation and Anallysis #6

If I had an opportunity to redesign the tower, I would make a stronger foundation  by having crosses to supprt each layer.  Also i would make each layer shorter so that the spaghetti sticks would not bend under the weight and so that i could double the sticks. 

Group Evaluation and Analysis #5

The biggest challenge we faced was building a base that would be sturdy enough to support the tower.  Our first model was too large to fit on the desk, so we had to build a smaller foundation.  Since the spaghetti was weak, we had to double it to make it support the weight of the structure.

Group Evaluation and Analysis #4

The current design was good because it was smaller, but it was not stable enough to build into a tall structure. 

Group Evaluation and Analysis #3

The tower was built to the height of 55 cm, but immediately collapsed before we could reinforce it. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Group Evaluation and Analysis # 1 &2


Accountant's Report:  The final cost of the tower was $500; and we originally purchased 41 pieces of spaghetti and 9 cm of tape.  We traded 5 cm of tape for 5 marshmallows and 10 pieces of spaghetti for 10 marshmallows.  Our final total was 31 pieces of spaghetti, 15 marshmallows, and 4 cm of tape.